Because Life Happens at Home
We'll help you create a space YOU love

General Contracting, Interior Design Home Repair, and Consulting
Licensed | Bonded | Insured ROC#333779
21 years of Building and Designing Together
Keith and Kristen have a passion for helping land and homeowners make their dream spaces a reality. They love bringing unique projects to life with quality craftsmanship and creativity. Their journey to being a design and build team has been a long one spanning over 21 years of dating and marriage.
Keith bought Kristen's building in 2001 and after seeing how messy her room was decided he was in love. If this girl can live in here she can live in a construction zone. Their very first summer of dating he wooed her by making her paint ceilings in his newest rental property. They ended up acquiring and renovating 3 more college rental houses, renovating 2 houses for themselves, building a house for Keith's mom all while Keith was working in a high paced commercial construction company and Kristen was teaching Pilates full time.
After spending several years in commercial construction as a project manager building public schools, Keith switched over to home renovations in the historic neighborhood of Northside in Cincinnati, OH. During that time he helped a couple flip a $50,000 house into a $465,000 money maker. Built an ADA compliant mother-n-law cottage for a blind grandmother. His last project in Ohio was a 200 year old farm house that needed an addition to create space for a functional modern farmhouse kitchen to accommodate a family of 8.
General Contracting
We organize your projects from beginning to end making sure that all work is complete. Help you navigate building plans to trim the fat and save you money. We make sure that your project will pass city inspections and that crews are completing the work correctly. We also navigate the work that falls between the different trades, Yes, sometimes the counter installer damages a cabinet. There will be mistakes but having someone with experience helps to make the process go smoothly.
New builds, Home Renovations, Additions, Outdoor structures, Patios and more.
Are you a DIY'er and you just need someone to guide you through the process. Connecting with us on an hourly basis might be a great solution for you. Whether you just need a 2 hour Q &A, 6 hour "Day with a Contractor" , or 20 hour "The By Your Side Experience" that can be used anytime throughout your project, we are happy to help.
Home Repair
Got a crooked cabinet door , a leaky faucet, or just want get on your roof to change a filter. We're happy to come check out your issues and knock some of those annoying (but necessary) home projects off your list.
General and Preventative Maintenance, Getting Homes Market Ready
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